Bottom Line Recommendation
Yellow diamonds are some of the most popular yellow stones on the market today and for good reason. They are incredibly beautiful and unique, and they have a wide range of properties that make them perfect for use in jewelry. For example, yellow diamonds are extremely durable, meaning they can withstand a lot of wear and tear. They are also very. Relatively to other diamonds, yellow diamonds are very affordable. Depending on the yellow tone you are looking for, you can find a beautiful 1.00 carat diamond for around $1,500 such as this one, and go as high as $25,000 for a round diamond like that, or a $30,000 for a wonderful radiant one.
Another common alternative is yellow sapphire. For a $400 you can get a wonderful 1.50 carat that looks as beautiful as a yellow diamond
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Looking for a beautiful and unique yellow gemstone to use in jewelry or engagement rings? If so, this is the blog for you! This guide will provide an overview of the top 21 yellow gems, including their properties, how they are used in jewelry, their history and lore, and how to care for them. So if you’re ready to learn all about these sunny stones, keep reading.
What are yellow gemstones?
Yellow gemstones are any type of gemstone that is yellow. This can include everything from citrine and topaz to yellow sapphire and yellow tourmaline. Yellow gemstones are usually associated with happiness, optimism, and energy. The yellow color symbolizes good luck, youth, and wisdom. It is also said to represent the sun, which is associated with life-giving energy. Yellow gemstones are believed to promote communication, mental clarity, and self-confidence. They are also said to attract abundance and good fortune.
What are the types of yellow gemstones?
There are a variety of yellow gemstones to choose from, each with its unique properties. Here are some of the most popular yellow gemstones:
Yellow diamond
Unlike common nearly-colorless diamonds that show a slight yellowish tint, yellow diamonds show an intense, vibrant yellow color. Moreover, those yellow gems represent joy, happiness, and success. They are also said to promote mental clarity and calmness. They are usually less expensive and are great for those who want a diamond for a relatively more affordable price.
The gem formation of yellow diamonds is the same as other diamonds. They are made of carbon that has been exposed to high temperatures and pressures deep within the earth.
They are mined from the earth’s crust and then cut and polished into the beautiful stones we see today. Yellow diamond has a moth hardness scale level of 10. It is valued for its intensity, saturation, and hue of its yellow color. The price per carat is about $2500.
Like standard diamonds, fancy yellow diamonds have a wide range of color grades. Each grade shows different intensity:
- Fancy light
- Fancy
- Fancy Intense
- Fancy vivid
- Fancy deep
- Fancy dark
As expected in the diamond market, each grade is priced differently due to market supply and demand. In the fancy color world, there is no right or wrong; you should choose the color you like the most within your budget.
Yellow lab-grown diamond
A good alternative to natural diamonds is lab-grown diamonds. These diamonds are grown in a controlled environment, mimicking the same conditions in nature: high pressure and high temperature. This process allows the lab to control the end result and grow high-quality diamonds. As you can see here, for $4,000 you can get the perfect 1.00 carat, with extremely high VVS2 clarity and a vibrant yellow color
Yellow sapphire
Yellow sapphire is a term used to describe the yellow variety of the mineral corundum. When it comes to precious stones, sapphires of all colors are pretty famous, but yellow sapphires, particularly, have been gaining popularity in recent years. Yellow sapphires are vivid yellow gemstones that have been treasured since ancient times. They range from light to intense yellow hues. The yellow tone is caused by iron and titanium impurities in the corundum crystal structure. The value of yellow sapphire varies depending on the color saturation. Deep colors are rare and more valuable. Yellow Sapphire has a moth hardness scale level of 9. The price per carat for this yellow gemstone ranges around $2000.
Citrine is a variety of quartz whose color ranges from pale yellow to brownish orange. It coins its name from the French word citron for lemon. It is gorgeous and well known for its properties, such as promoting success, abundance, and prosperity. It is a reasonably durable gemstone with a moth hardness scale level of 7. It is a form of quartz found in many different locations worldwide, including Brazil, Madagascar, Russia, and Spain. One carat of citrine costs about $30.
Yellow chrysoberyl
Yellow Chrysoberyl is a variety of the mineral chrysoberyl. The yellow color is caused by iron impurities in the crystal structure. It is a very rare stone and is only found in a few locations worldwide. Yellow chrysoberyl is said to have many magical properties. It’s known as a stone of good fortune and is believed to bring happiness to those who wear it. The pieces of “yellow chrysoberyl” are not usually treated. It is important to note that chrysoberyl cabochons might have chatoyancy, also known as the cat’s eye effect. If you are looking for a yellow stone for your jewelry collection, yellow chrysoberyl is an excellent option. It has a moth hardness scale level of 8.5. The price per carat is $25, which is very affordable compared to other yellow gemstones.
Golden south sea pearls
Golden south sea pearls are one of the most popular yellow gemstones in the market. Due to its unique yellow appearance, it is not only popular among jewelry designers but also among collectors. Natural gold South Sea pearls are quite rare. Most of them are only available in the wild. It has a moth hardness scale level of 5, which is pretty soft. The price per carat is around $300.
Yellow amber
Amber is a unique, organic gemstone prized for its warm yellow color. It is formed from the fossilized resin of ancient trees and can be found worldwide. It has a moth hardness scale level of 2, making it exceptionally soft and easy to scratch. However, amber gemstones have been used in jewelry for centuries and are still a popular choice today. It is very affordable and is not priced per carat because it is often used in chunky-style jewelry.
Yellow garnet
This is a famous yellow gemstone that has been used since the Bronze Age. It is still popular today and is used in various jewelry, including rings and necks. There are a variety of colors in the garnet family. Hessonite garnet, in most cases, is orange but can also appear in yellow. Topazolite is another yellow garnet that is relatively rare. Mali garnet is a yellow-hued variety of grossular garnets. It is named for the African country of Mali, where it was first discovered. Garnet has a moth hardness scale level of 7. The average carat price for this gemstone is about $500.
Yellow jade
Yellow Jade is fabricated due to exposure to tantalum during crystal formation. Yellow jade comes in various colors that range from pale to golden yellow. It can occur in two different minerals, namely jadeite, and nephrite. It is considered a valuable gemstone in many cultures. For example, this stone is known as “the stone of heaven” in China.
Yellow jade has many different metaphysical properties. It is said to promote wisdom, balance, and peace. Moreover, it is also a popular gemstone in Europe and North America.
This stone is also used in crystal healing. It is believed to help treat liver problems, gallstones, and kidney stones. It is also said to boost the immune system. Yellow jade is a relatively rare gemstone. It is an extremely tough gemstone with a moth hardness scale level of six and a half to seven. This gemstone is usually polished into beads or cabochons. It can also be carved into different shapes. Yellow jade is a popular gemstone for making jewelry. It is often used in necklaces, bracelets, and rings. The cost per carat is $10.
Yellow topaz
This gemstone is named after the Greek Island of Tapazios and used in jewelry for centuries. It is November’s birthstone and is associated with the sun. Topaz comes in various colors, but yellow topaz is the most affordable and commonly found. Yellow topaz is a beautiful gemstone that can be found in various jewelry. It has a moth hardness level of 8, suitable for everyday wear. It has incredible clarity and is one of the most durable gemstones. When shopping for yellow topaz, it is essential to remember that this stone can be enhanced by heat treatment. The price per carat is $14, making it an affordable option for those looking to add a yellow gemstone to their collection.
Yellow zircon
Yellow Zircon is the name given to various minerals that share the same chemical composition: zirconium silicate. The most common color of Zircon is, not surprisingly, yellow. It can also be found in a variety of other colors. Most yellow Zircon comes with yellow hues. It may also have brown or orange tints to make deeper yellow hues. Zircon has a hardness moth scale level that ranges from 6 to 7.5. One carat of Zircon goes for around $25. It is a relatively affordable gemstone. Zircon is considered to be a semiprecious stone.
Yellow tourmaline
Tourmalines are a group of related minerals that come in various colors. The word “tourmaline” comes from the Sinhalese word “turmali” or “touramalli,” which means “a mixed color precious stone.” Yellow tourmaline is one of the more popular colors in this group. It ranges in color from pale yellow to golden yellow and is sometimes called “canary tourmaline.” It is pretty rare and is often used in high-end jewelry. The price per carat is around $100, and the gemstone has a moth hardness level of 7 to 7.5.
Scapolite comes from the Greek word skapos, meaning “stalk,” because of its long, thin crystals. The Gem quality scapolite may occur in yellow, green, pink, or violet. Yellow Scapolite has gold to a honey yellow hue. It is a relatively soft stone with a hardness level of 5.5; hence it’s not often used in jewelry. The price per carat is about 15 dollars.
Sphene is a yellow to a yellow-green gemstone known as titanite. This stone is relatively rare and is found in metamorphic rocks. It is an excellent stone for those who want an unusual yellow gemstone. It occurs in different shades of yellow, including golden yellow, lemon yellow, and yellow-green. The most valuable color is a deep golden yellow with intense saturation, which is around $100 per carat. It has a moth hardness scale level of 5.5.
Yellow fire opal
Yellow fire opal is a term used to describe an opal that displays a yellow body color. The yellow color is caused by the presence of iron in the stone. Fire opals can be found in various locations around the world, but the most famous deposits are found in Mexico. Fire opals are usually cut into cabochons or tiny beads. The stones are also used in inlay work and occasionally as faceted gems. It has a hardness rating of 6, but that doesn’t mean that it cannot be worn on jewelry. All you need to do is make sure that you do not expose it to extreme temperatures. The price per carat for Yellow fire opal ranges from $200 to $300.
Tiger's eye
“Tiger’s Eye” is a yellow-to-golden brown gemstone usually cut into cabochons or beads. It is a common quartz form of chalcedony that contains Crocidolite fibers. The fibers reflect light to create a “chatoyancy” or “cat’s eye” effect. The Mohs hardness of Tiger’s Eye is about 7. The cost of Tiger’s Eye varies depending on the size and quality of the gemstone. However, the average price per carat is $50.
Golden beryl (heliodor)
Golden Beryl (Heliodor) is a yellow variety of beryl. It is named for its color, which is caused by iron impurities. Golden Beryl is found in many parts of the world, including Brazil, Madagascar, Pakistan, and the United States. Golden Beryl is a popular gemstone for jewelry. It is used in rings, earrings, pendants, and bracelets. Golden Beryl is also used in other applications such as watch faces and inlays. Golden Beryl is a durable gemstone. It has a hardness of seven and a half on the Mohs scale. The price per carat ranges around $100.
Yellow fluorite
Yellow fluorite is yellow-colored fluorite. The color is caused by impurities of iron in the crystal. It is one of the most popular colors of fluorite. Yellow fluorite is found in many countries, including Argentina, Austria, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Germany, Mexico, Morocco, Namibia, Peru, Spain, South Africa, Switzerland, Tanzania, United Kingdom, United States, and Zimbabwe.
It has a hardness of four on the Mohs scale and a specific gravity of three. It is transparent to translucent with a vitreous luster. The yellow fluorite has a refractive index of one. Sixty-three and double refraction of 0.007. It is pleochroic, meaning that it exhibits more than one color when viewed at different angles. Yellow fluorite is a popular gemstone because of its unique color. It is also a famous ornamental stone because it can be carved into different shapes and sizes. It is used to make optical lenses, Fluorite telescopes, and microscopes. The price per carat is ten dollars.
Rutilated quartz
Rutilated quartz is a variety of quartz that contains acicular inclusions of rutile. These inclusions give the stone a silky and glittering appearance unique among gemstones. Rutilated quartz is found in various colors, including yellow, orange, red, and brown. The most valuable stones are those with a deep golden color whose carat price is $100. This gemstone has a hardness level of 7 hence suitable for everyday wear. Rutilated quartz is a popular gemstone for jewelry making, particularly rings and pendants. The stone is said to have some healing properties, including relieving anxiety and stress. It is also said to promote creativity and self-expression.
Danburite is a colored gemstone that occurs in various colors, including yellow. Danburite is named after the city of Danbury, Connecticut, in the United States, where it was first discovered. It is often confused with yellow diamonds, but it is a different gemstone altogether. Danburite has a hardness scale level of seven. It can be used in jewelry such as rings, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. The price per carat is around $50.
Yellow sphalerite is quite rare and has a lot of similarities with sphene. It is considered a semiprecious stone and is primarily used in jewelry making. Sphalerite has a high refractive index and a higher dispersion rate than diamond. This makes it an excellent choice for those looking for a yellow gemstone with high brilliance. It has a hardness scale of 3.5, and the price per carat is about $200.
Legrandite is a yellow gemstone that is found in Mexico. It is named after the French mineralogist Pierre Legrand. The stone is used in jewelry and is known for its beauty. It is quite rare and is often mistaken for topaz. It has a hardness scale of 4.5, and the price per carat is $200.
What metal looks best with yellow stones?
There are a few different metals that can be used with yellow stones. The most popular choices are gold and silver. You can also use copper or bronze. If you want something a little more unique, you can try using rose gold. Yellow gemstones can also be set in white metals such as platinum or palladium. How you choose to set your stone is entirely up to you and what you think looks best.
What other yellow stones are there?
In addition to legrandite, a few other yellow stones are commonly used in jewelry. These include citrine, topaz, and yellow sapphire. Each of these stones has its unique properties and beauty. You can choose the stone you think is the best for your jewelry piece.
What is the best way to care for yellow stones?
Yellow stones should be cleaned with warm water and mild soap. You should avoid using harsh chemicals or cleaners on the stone. You should also avoid exposing the stone to extreme heat or cold. When you are not wearing your jewelry, you should store it in a soft cloth bag to protect it from scratches.
Yellow gemstones are a beautiful addition to any piece of jewelry. With a bit of care, they will last you a lifetime. As you can see, there is a wide range of yellow gemstones that you can choose from. You can also choose different metals to set your stone in. The sky is the limit when it comes to yellow gemstone jewelry.