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Lab Diamond Clarity Chart: The Ultimate Guide

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diamond clarity featured image

In this article

My Bottom Line Recommendation

I strongly recommend reading the full article below; however, if you are here for a quick brief, here are the key points you must know about lab-grown clarity chart:

  • Both lab-grown diamonds and natural diamonds are graded using an identical system, with a scale that ranges from flawless diamonds at the top to I and SI diamonds at the bottom.
  • Buy your diamond only from a reliable seller such as this one, which offers a 360 video with a superzoom feature. This lets you quickly locate any inclusions and zoom out to see if the diamond is eye-clean.
  • Since lab-grown diamonds are often more affordable, there’s no need to compromise and settle for an SI diamond. In fact, the price difference between an SI1 and a VS2 diamond can sometimes be as low as $40-$50.
  • If you want to play it safe and have some flexibility in your budget, consider a VVS lab-grown diamond. With this clarity grade, there’s no chance of seeing any inclusions. For IGI VVS diamonds I recommend this seller, however if you are interested in a GIA lab-grown diamond, you should check this vendor as well.

Test yourself: Is this diamond natural or lab-grown?

(So… let’s see if I can trick you!)

Table of Contents

What is diamond clarity (in a nutshell)

Before we dive into the differences between natural and lab-grown diamond clarity, let’s first understand what clarity grading means. Simply put, clarity is how free a diamond is from inclusions and blemishes. Clarity grading is determined by examining the diamond under a 10x magnification loupe. This allows for the size, number, and location of the inclusions and blemishes to be considered when determining the diamond’s clarity grade.

Not eye-clean Eye-clean

The two main grading labs, the IGI and GIA, use a clarity scale that ranges from the highest and most expensive grade, Flawless, to the lowest and least expensive grade, Included. The grading scale also includes grades such as Internally Flawless, Very Very Slightly Included, Very Slightly Included, and Slightly Included.

Flawless (FL) Clarity Grade

Flawless is the highest clarity grade for a diamond. A diamond with an FL clarity grade has no inclusions or blemishes visible under 10x magnification. FL diamonds are extremely rare and highly valuable.

Internally Flawless (IF) Clarity Grade

Internally Flawless is the second-highest clarity grade for a diamond. A diamond with an IF clarity grade has no inclusions visible under 10x magnification but may have minor blemishes on its surface. IF diamonds are also rare and valuable.

Very, Very Slightly Included (VVS) Clarity Grade

The VVS clarity grade is divided into two subcategories: VVS1 and VVS2. A diamond with a VVS clarity grade has very small inclusions that are difficult to see under 10x magnification. VVS diamonds are also rare and valuable.

Very Slightly Included (VS) Clarity Grade

The VS clarity grade is also divided into two subcategories: VS1 and VS2. A diamond with a VS clarity grade has minor inclusions that are visible under 10x magnification but are not visible to the naked eye. VS diamonds are an excellent value for their price.

Slightly Included (SI) Clarity Grade

The SI clarity grade is divided into two subcategories: SI1 and SI2. A diamond with an SI clarity grade has inclusions that are visible under 10x magnification and may be visible to the naked eye. However, SI diamonds can still be a good value for their price.

clarity grade description Example
Flawless (FL) FL and IF are flawless diamonds with no inclusions or blemishes visible under 10x magnification. 1.22 CARAT F-FL EXCELLENT CUT ROUND DIAMOND Open Full Image
Internally flawless (IF) No inclusions are visible, but some small blemishes may be visible under 10x magnification 1.01 CARAT H-IF TRUE HEARTSTM IDEAL DIAMOND Open Full Image
Very-very small inclusions 1 (VVS1) Inclusions are very difficult to see under 10x magnification even for trained eyes. 1.01 CARAT G-VVS1 TRUE HEARTSTM IDEAL DIAMOND Open Full Image
Very-very small inclusions 2 (VVS2) Inclusions are barley visible under 10x magnification, yet have slightly more inclusions than the VVS1 grade 1.08 CARAT H-VVS2 TRUE HEARTSTM IDEAL DIAMOND Open Full Image
Very small inclusions 1 (VS1) Inclusions are minor and can't be seen without 10x magnification. 1.03 CARAT H-VS1 TRUE HEARTSTM IDEAL DIAMOND Open Full Image
Very small inclusions 2 (VS2) Inclusions might be large enough in order to be easily noticeable under 10x magnification 1.00 CARAT H-VS2 TRUE HEARTSTM IDEAL DIAMOND Open Full Image
Small inclusions 1 (SI1) Inclusions are noticeable at 10x magnification and might be even seen by the naked eye 1.06 CARAT H-SI1 TRUE HEARTSTM IDEAL DIAMOND Open Full Image
Small inclusions 2 (SI2) Inclusions are easily seen under 10x magnification and sometimes visible to the naked eye 1.04 CARAT G-SI2 TRUE HEARTSTM IDEAL DIAMOND Open Full Image
Inclusions (I1, I2, I3) Inclusions are obvious under 10x magnification and visible to the naked eye 1.02 CARAT E-I1 TRUE HEARTSTM IDEAL DIAMOND Open Full Image

Most of the time, the lowest clarity grades in the market are SI2 for lab-grown diamonds and I1 for natural diamonds (I don’t recommend either of them). However on both diamond origins, there is an extremely limited supply of FL and IF diamonds. A VVS diamond is still extremely high, but much more common in both markets. Make sure to continue reading if you want to understand why I recommend VS2-VVS1 diamonds.

2.01 Carat D VS1 Round Cut Lab-Grown Diamond
2.01 Carat D VS2 Round Cut Lab-Grown Diamond
2.01 Carat D VS1 Round Cut Lab-Grown Diamond

Lab-grown diamonds clarity: Why it's different than natural diamonds clarity grades

Lab-grown and natural diamonds have similar clarity grading systems, but some differences set them apart. This is because the growth process of lab-grown diamonds differs from that of natural diamonds. Inclusions in natural diamonds are formed by natural processes, while the manufacturing process may cause inclusions in lab-grown diamonds.

The environment in which the diamond grows is directly reflected in the inclusions we observe. The inclusions of lab-grown diamonds can be used as evidence of the growth environment. In fact, a real diamond expert can inspect the diamond and distinguish whether it’s a lab-grown diamond or a natural one based on the flaws’ characteristics.

Lab-grown diamonds have flaws with a clear geometrical pattern. Usually, all the inclusions point in the same direction; the growth direction. On the other hand, natural diamonds usually carry a wider variety of inclusions and blemishes that spread randomly over the diamond.

lab diamond with flaws that point to the same direction

Lab-Grown diamond inclusions and blemishes

HPHT diamonds clarity

Since HPHT diamonds mimic the growth process in nature, carbon gasses can trap external materials inside the diamond. These external materials are the inclusions we see inside the diamond. With HPHT diamonds, we can have a blocky geometric pattern of molten metal flux trapped inside the diamond during growth. It can occur in many shapes:

  • Crystals
  • Clouds
  • Needles
  • Cavities
  • Pinpoints

As you can see in the example below, this SI2 HPHT diamond has hair-like inclusions that look like tiny needles and pinpoints trapped inside. Relatively to natural diamonds, the lines are sorted geometrically, so if I had to guess whether it’s a natural or lab-grown diamond, I’d put my money on lab-grown.

SI2 lab-grown diamond clarity grade

CVD diamonds clarity

Since CVD diamonds grow in a layer-by-layer method, almost like 3D printing, they have different inclusions. The layered growth leaves a traced pattern that makes the layers visible, sometimes even to the naked eye. In bad and noticeable cases, the diamond can appear hazy and oily, with a grainy texture. It’s like someone with oily hands touched it.

SI2 CVD lab grown diamond clarity grade

Since CVD diamonds grow in a layer-by-layer method, almost like 3D printing, they have different inclusions. The layered growth leaves a traced pattern that makes the layers visible, sometimes even to the naked eye. In bad and noticeable cases, the diamond can appear hazy and oily, with a grainy texture. It’s like someone with oily hands touched it.

With CVD diamonds, the most common inclusions are:

  • Minor points or larger crystals: sometimes, they have a tracing tail that shows the direction of growth
lab diamond clarity crystals and pinpoints
  • Feathers – Bright and frosted-like inclusions, very similar to those of natural diamonds.
feather inclusion of a lab diamond clarity grade
  • Clouds – a trail of white or black dots
clouds inclusions on a lab grown diamond clarity grade
  • Graining – Many times, we can see single sharp growth lines that look vague and blurry
graining inclusions on a lab grown diamond clarity grade

What affects lab-grown diamond clarity grades?

Lab-grown diamonds are often considered the epitome of flawlessness, with all of them having a colorless E-D hue and an exceptionally high clarity rating of VVS-FL. However, this common belief is far from the truth.

Numerous laboratories exist globally, each utilizing unique technology and growth techniques. While it’s true that all of them employ CVD or HPHT methods, each lab has its own individual approach. Every facility has its own set of parameters, such as environment, equipment, and overall technological limitations.

While these labs aim to produce flawless diamonds, as we can see in the market, that is not entirely the case. There is a wide range of diamonds available in various qualities, ranging from I-H colors that are far from being colorless to those with a clarity grade of SI2-VS2, which is far from VVS.

In general, lab-grown diamonds may have fewer inclusions and blemishes than naturally occurring diamonds due to the highly controlled conditions in which they are grown. Nevertheless, even with the utmost care and precision, imperfections can still appear to varying degrees as there is no way to control the process entirely.

2.01 Carat D VVS2 Round Cut Lab-Grown Diamond
Hearts and Arrows
2.02 Carat D VVS1 Round Cut Lab-Grown Diamond
Hearts and Arrows
2.03 Carat D VVS1 Round Cut Lab-Grown Diamond
Hearts and Arrows

Is lab diamond clarity better than natural diamond clarity grades?

When it comes to lab-grown diamonds versus natural diamonds, it’s important to note that the fact a diamond is lab-grown doesn’t automatically mean it has better clarity than a natural diamond. Each diamond is unique and should be evaluated on its own merits.

It’s important to remember that clarity grading is determined by the size, number, and location of the inclusions and blemishes within the diamond. This can vary from diamond to diamond, whether natural or lab-grown. For instance, a lab-grown diamond with an SI2 clarity grade may have the same number of blemishes and inclusions as a natural diamond with an SI2 clarity grade. This is true for all clarity grades.

Lab diamond clarity buying tips and how to inspect properly

Eye-clean Diamond clarity

When we examine a diamond with the naked eye and it appears clean, we refer to it as an eye-clean diamond. Interestingly, a low clarity eye-clean diamond can look flawless to the naked eye if the color, carat, and cut are equal. In other words, we will only notice the difference when judging the two diamonds side by side with magnification as long as the object is small enough.

While a clean VVS diamond may sound like a dream come true, it’s important to remember your ultimate goal: to buy the most beautiful diamond within your budget. Whether the diamond is SI or VVS, it doesn’t matter if it appears clean to the naked eye.

To test if a diamond is eye-clean, use the sidebar on the right of the video to zoom out and spin the diamond. Try to notice any flaws or inclusions. If you don’t see any, congratulations! You’ve found an eye-clean diamond.

How much to invest in clarity

One of my favorite things to tell customers is to “buy the most beautiful diamond within your budget.” It’s essential to know your limits and not overspend to achieve a higher clarity grade that may not even be noticeable to the naked eye.

Not every SI diamond is a good choice, as larger diamonds make it easier to see inclusions. That’s why I recommend sticking with VS2-VS1 clarity grades for diamonds below 2.00 carats unless you prioritize clarity over other factors. Of course, it’s important that the diamond is also eye-clean and shows brilliance and sparkle.

For larger diamonds with 2 carats or more, I recommend a minimum clarity grade of VS1 and higher. While it may be tempting to go for higher clarity grades such as VVS2 and VVS1, there is usually no noticeable difference compared to a VVS2 grade. If your budget allows for it, then a VVS1 or higher grade may be a good option.

Diamond inclusion on different sizes
The larger you go, the easier it gets to notice the flaws

Diamond inspection

When inspecting a diamond, there are a few crucial steps to take. First, it’s essential to see the diamond for yourself using high-quality video and to review the GIA/IGI/AGS certificate for the specific diamond you’re considering purchasing. You can get a detailed description of the diamond’s flaws by checking the certificate.

If you’re considering SI1-VS1 diamonds, finding a diamond with flaws on the facets rather than the table is recommended. This way, the jeweler may be able to hide the flaws under the setting prongs.

Flaws over the facets

Hiding the flaws under the setting prongs

Inspecting the diamond under natural light whenever possible is important, as this allows you to see the actual color and notice more details, including any flaws.

However, with today’s technology, an even better and easier option is available. By buying a diamond online from a reliable seller such as this one, you have the critical option of seeing the diamond in a magnified 360 HD video. You can quickly notice flaws even if you’re not a diamond expert.

2.0 Carat D VS1 Round Cut Lab-Grown Diamond
2.0 Carat D VS2 Round Cut Lab-Grown Diamond
2.0 Carat D VVS2 Round Cut Lab-Grown Diamond

Conclusion - My personal experience with lab diamonds clarity grades

Considering the affordability of lab-grown diamonds, I recommend a minimum clarity grade of VS2. While there are undoubtedly beautiful eye-clean SI1 diamonds out there, the $50’ish price difference between a good VS2 and SI1 diamond is negligible. I prefer to pay $50 extra and feel confident about my diamond.

For those who want to avoid concerns about whether their diamond is eye-clean, a VVS2 clarity grade is the ideal choice. With this grade, there’s no chance of seeing any inclusions with the naked eye.

In any case, if you need help finding the best eye-clean diamond that fits your budget, feel free to contact me here.





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