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Earning Disclaimer

Just a quick note

Hi... Yaniv Here 🙂 !

My blog is reader-supported; Buying through links on my site may earn me commissions (at no extra cost to you). This way, I can give you this content for free

Diamond retailers understand the buying process can be difficult and overwhelming. Therefore, they are willing to share some of their profits with me if I can improve your buying experience. 

This way, you get a free consultation, and if you are happy and decide to buy, the third party (and NOT YOU) pays me a commission.

And it’s important to understand that I won’t sell you anything. I’ll be your diamond consultant. 

Here is an example for you:

Imagine you need to buy a car but don’t understand shit about cars. Would you prefer to buy it with a friend who knows anything about cars? 

I’m that friend – but in diamonds.

I won’t try to make you pay more.

I’ll tell you which options you have based on your request and budget

and I’ll find the best deals for you.

In order to remain transparent and provide clarity, I want you to understand that the purpose of this blog is to educate you on the possibilities that exist for buying the most valuable diamond based on your budget. However, it should also be noted that this is a for-profit business.

I do not wish to be compensated with affiliate commissions in any situation where value was not provided. By clicking any link on this site you expressly agree that I provided value to you and that you with for me to earn an affiliate commission in exchange.

I thank you for your understanding and look forward to working with you.

Now… need me on your side?

Check my daily recommended diamonds here, or contact me directly.


Some frequently asked questions

What would I get after answering the questions?

Based on your answers, we will send you: The largest diamond within your budget, a smaller diamond with higher color and clarity, and the best combination of the 4c’s.

How will you help me?

We offer free diamond advice. Tell us what you are looking for, and we will do the research for you, for free.

When Will I get my recommended diamonds?

You will receive an email from yaniv@labdiamondsreview within 24 hours with your 3 recommended diamonds. Don’t forget to check your email inbox 🙂

Why do you offer this service for free?

If you are happy and decide to buy, the third party (and NOT YOU) pays me a commission. This by no mean will affect the retail price you pay. It’s a Win-Win situation for both of us.

Why wouldn't I just buy a diamond myself?

An untrained diamond buyer can easily be manipulated and get ripped off. For that reason, we recommend to always consult with us in order to make sure you are getting the most bang for your back.

What makes my recommended diamonds so special?

We do our diamond research based on your needs and wishes. This way, we find the best deals, custom-tailored only for you.

Ready to find your diamond?

Your time is valuable,  your money too. Don’t take any risks, let’s do this research together

3 carat oval ring

Do you want help picking the best diamond?